
Animals and Their Movements Name List l প্রাণী এবং তাদের চলাচলের (হাঁটার বা গমনাগমনের) নামের তালিকা l 100 Animals and Their Movements Name List l 100টি প্রাণী এবং তাদের চলাচলের (হাঁটার বা গমনাগমনের) নামের তালিকা

By Siksakul

Updated on:

Animals and Their Movements Name List l প্রাণী এবং তাদের চলাচলের (হাঁটার বা গমনাগমনের) নামের তালিকা l

আজ আমরা প্রাণী এবং তাদের চলাচলের নামের তালিকা (Animals and Their Movements Name List) শেয়ার করছি যেখানে Animal Walk এর নামের তালিকা দেওয়া হয়েছে। অর্থাৎ বিভিন্ন প্রাণীর হাঁটার বা গমনাগমনের ইংরেজি নাম এখানে সাজানো আছে। বিভিন্ন চাকরির পরীক্ষাতে এই অংশ থেকে প্রশ্ন আসে বিশেষত ইংলিশ বিষয়ে।

পশুর গতির আকর্ষণীয় জগতে স্বাগতম! আমাদের সাম্প্রতিক ব্লগ পোস্ট, “100টি প্রাণী এবং তাদের চলাচলের নামের তালিকা,” প্রাণীরা তাদের পরিবেশের মধ্য দিয়ে চলাফেরা করার বিভিন্ন উপায়ে ডুব দেয়৷ একটি বিড়ালের ছদ্মবেশী হামাগুড়ি থেকে শুরু করে একটি ঘোড়ার শক্তিশালী গলপ পর্যন্ত, প্রতিটি প্রাণী তাদের বেঁচে থাকার প্রয়োজন অনুসারে অনন্য নড়াচড়া প্রদর্শন করে। আবিষ্কার করুন কিভাবে ক্যাঙ্গারুরা অস্ট্রেলিয়ার আউটব্যাক জুড়ে আবদ্ধ থাকে, সাপ ঘাসের মধ্য দিয়ে ঝরে যায় এবং প্রজাপতিরা ফুলের চারপাশে ঘুরে বেড়ায়। আমরা অসাধারণ অভিযোজনগুলি অন্বেষণ করি যা এই প্রাণীগুলিকে সাঁতার কাটতে, লাফ দিতে, গ্লাইড করতে এবং ড্যাশ করতে সক্ষম করে, যা প্রকৃতির নকশার জটিলতার একটি আভাস প্রদান করে। এটি একটি হাতির ধীর গতিতে চলা বা চিতার দ্রুত গতিতে চলা যাই হোক না কেন, এই নড়াচড়াগুলি খাওয়ানো, শিকারিদের এড়ানো এবং প্রজননের জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। একটি শিক্ষামূলক ভ্রমণের জন্য আমাদের সাথে যোগ দিন যা গতিশীল বন্যপ্রাণীর সৌন্দর্য এবং জটিলতা উদযাপন করে। আমাদের ব্লগ পোস্টে ডুব দিন এবং প্রাণীর গতিবিধির অবিশ্বাস্য জগতের দ্বারা অনুপ্রাণিত হন!

Animals and Their Movements Name List l প্রাণী এবং তাদের চলাচলের (হাঁটার বা গমনাগমনের) নামের তালিকা l 100 Animals and Their Movements Name List

Welcome to the fascinating world of animal locomotion! Our latest blog post, “100 Animals and Their Movement Name List,” dives into the diverse ways that creatures move through their environments. From the stealthy creep of a cat to the powerful gallop of a horse, each animal exhibits unique movements that are tailored to their survival needs. Discover how kangaroos bound across the Australian outback, snakes slither through grass, and butterflies flutter around blossoms. We explore the remarkable adaptations that enable these animals to swim, leap, glide, and dash, providing a glimpse into the intricacies of nature’s design. Whether it’s the slow trudge of an elephant or the rapid sprint of a cheetah, these movements are vital for feeding, evading predators, and reproduction. Join us for an educational journey that celebrates the beauty and complexity of wildlife in motion. Dive into our blog post and get inspired by the incredible world of animal movements!

Animals and Their Movements Name List l প্রাণী এবং তাদের চলাচলের (হাঁটার বা গমনাগমনের) নামের তালিকা l 100 Animals and Their Movements Name List

Animals and Their Movements Name List
  1. Cats (Creep) – Cats move stealthily and quietly, perfect for sneaking up on prey.
  2. Horses (Gallop) – Horses can reach high speeds with their powerful, rhythmic gallop.
  3. Rabbits (Hop) – Rabbits are known for their quick, bouncing hops, often used to evade predators.
  4. Kangaroos (Bound) – Kangaroos use their strong hind legs to bound across the Australian landscape.
  5. Snakes (Slither) – Snakes move by slithering, contracting and expanding their muscles to push themselves forward.
  6. Bears (Lumber) – Bears typically move with a heavy, rolling gait known as lumbering.
  7. Butterflies (Flutter) – Butterflies are seen fluttering gently among flowers, moving lightly through the air.
  8. Cows (Plod) – Cows often plod along, walking slowly and steadily in pastures.
  9. Dogs (Trot) – Dogs trot when they’re moving faster than a walk but not running.
  10. Eagles (Soar) – Eagles soar high in the sky, using thermal currents for lift.
  11. Fish (Swim) – Fish propel themselves in water by flexing their bodies and tails.
  12. Frogs (Leap) – Frogs use their strong legs to leap great distances over land or water.
  13. Giraffes (Pace) – Giraffes move with a distinctive pacing gait, moving both right legs then both left legs.
  14. Goats (Scamper) – Goats scamper agilely over rocky terrains and steep mountains.
  15. Bees (Buzz) – Bees buzz from flower to flower, their wings creating a buzzing sound as they fly.
  16. Deer (Sprint) – Deer can sprint quickly, especially when evading threats.
  17. Elephants (Trudge) – Elephants trudge with a slow, heavy, but steady walk.
  18. Worms (Wiggle) – Worms wiggle through the soil to move, contracting and relaxing their bodies.
  19. Monkeys (Swing) – Monkeys swing from branch to branch using their arms in the trees.
  20. Penguins (Waddle) – Penguins are famous for their adorable waddling on ice and land.
  21. Ducks (Paddle) – Ducks paddle in water, using their webbed feet to propel themselves.
  22. Owls (Glide) – Owls glide silently through the air during flight, especially when hunting.
  23. Rats (Scurry) – Rats scurry quickly, often in short bursts of speed to avoid detection.
  24. Wolves (Lope) – Wolves lope over long distances while hunting or traveling, a relaxed form of running.
  25. Zebras (Canter) – Zebras often canter as a comfortable middle speed, especially when moving as a herd.
  26. Lizards (Skitter) – Lizards skitter rapidly, often in short bursts to escape predators.
  27. Camels (Pace) – Camels pace across desert environments, able to endure long journeys.
  28. Cheetahs (Sprint) – Cheetahs are the fastest land animals, capable of incredible sprints to catch prey.
  29. Foxes (Trot) – Foxes often trot as they explore their environment, alert and cautious.
  30. Turtles (Crawl) – Turtles crawl slowly with their heavy, protective shells.
  31. Cockroaches (Scuttle) – Cockroaches scuttle quickly, often hiding under objects to avoid light.
  32. Hawks (Soar) – Hawks soar through the air, often circling to spot prey from high above.
  33. Jaguars (Stalk) – Jaguars move with a silent, stalking gait when hunting in the jungle.
  34. Lambs (Frolic) – Young lambs frolic and jump playfully in fields.
  35. Lions (Prowl) – Lions prowl with a slow, deliberate stride when hunting, keeping low to the ground.
  36. Mice (Scurry) – Mice are known for their quick, darting scurries.
  37. Octopuses (Jet) – Octopuses can jet through the water by expelling water from a mantle cavity for rapid movement.
  38. Peacocks (Strut) – Peacocks strut gracefully, often displaying their spectacular feathers.
  39. Quails (Flutter) – Quails make quick, fluttering flights, especially when disturbed.
  40. Ostriches (Run) – Ostriches are flightless birds that achieve high speeds by running on their long legs.
  41. Raccoons (Slink) – Raccoons slink around, typically at night, using their dexterous paws to explore and feed.
  42. Salmon (Swim upstream) – Salmon are known for their strenuous swims upstream during breeding seasons.
  43. Sharks (Cruise) – Sharks cruise the ocean waters, often silently and efficiently.
  44. Squirrels (Dash) – Squirrels dash quickly up trees and across branches, agile and swift.
  45. Starfish (Glide) – Starfish glide slowly along the ocean floor by using tiny tube feet.
  46. Swans (Glide) – Swans glide majestically across water surfaces, often with serene elegance.
  47. Turkeys (Strut) – Turkeys strut, especially males displaying during mating seasons.
  48. Vultures (Circle) – Vultures circle in the sky, looking for carrion with their keen eyes.
  49. Walruses (Waddle) – Walruses waddle clumsily on land but are more graceful in water.
  50. Yaks (Amble) – Yaks amble along mountainous terrains, adapted to cold and altitude.
  51. Ants (March) – Ants march in lines, efficiently working together in large numbers.
  52. Bats (Fly) – Bats fly using their webbed wings, often at dusk or during the night.
  53. Crabs (Sidle) – Crabs move sideways, which is known as sidling.
  54. Dolphins (Leap) – Dolphins leap above the water’s surface, often seen playing or communicating.
  55. Eels (Slither) – Eels have a snake-like slither, moving fluidly through water.
  56. Flamingos (Prance) – Flamingos prance in shallow waters, often while feeding.
  57. Geese (Waddle) – Geese waddle on land but are more graceful when flying in V-formations.
  58. Hummingbirds (Hover) – Hummingbirds hover in mid-air as they feed on nectar from flowers.
  59. Iguanas (Dart) – Iguanas dart quickly to escape predators or when disturbed.
  60. Jellyfish (Pulse) – Jellyfish use a pulsing motion to move through the water.
  61. Koalas (Climb) – Koalas climb slowly but expertly in eucalyptus trees where they live and feed.
  62. Lobsters (Scuttle) – Lobsters scuttle along the sea floor, using their claws and legs.
  63. Moths (Flutter) – Moths flutter around lights at night, their flight erratic and unpredictable.
  64. Narwhals (Swim) – Narwhals swim in Arctic waters, their long tusks protruding from the front.
  65. Ocelots (Prowl) – Ocelots prowl through the underbrush in search of prey.
  66. Parrots (Climb) – Parrots use their beaks and claws to climb around tree branches.
  67. Quokkas (Hop) – Quokkas hop much like small kangaroos, moving nimbly around their environment.
  68. Rhinoceroses (Charge) – Rhinoceroses can charge powerfully when threatened or during territorial disputes.
  69. Seals (Galumph) – Seals move awkwardly and clumsily on land but are sleek in water.
  70. Tigers (Stalk) – Tigers use a low, quiet stalk to approach their prey unnoticed.
  71. Urchins (Creep) – Sea urchins slowly creep along rocky seabeds.
  72. Vipers (Slither) – Vipers slither stealthily, ready to strike when prey comes within range.
  73. Wasps (Flit) – Wasps flit quickly through the air, often seen around flowers or food sources.
  74. Xerus (Scuttle) – The Xerus, or African ground squirrel, scuttles across the savannah, foraging for food.
  75. Yellowjackets (Flit) – Yellowjackets flit aggressively, especially when defending their nests.
  76. Zebrafish (Swim) – Zebrafish swim in quick, darting motions in freshwater habitats.
  77. Aardvarks (Shuffle) – Aardvarks shuffle through the African plains, searching for ants and termites.
  78. Bison (Stampede) – Bison can create powerful stampedes, especially when spooked or during migrations.
  79. Chimpanzees (Clamber) – Chimpanzees clamber through jungle canopies with great agility.
  80. Dugongs (Paddle) – Dugongs paddle gently through warm coastal waters, grazing on sea grasses.
  81. Emus (Trot) – Emus trot with surprising speed, using their long legs to cover ground quickly.
  82. Gazelles (Leap) – Gazelles are known for their graceful leaps, especially when evading predators.
  83. Hyenas (Lope) – Hyenas lope with endurance, capable of covering long distances while hunting.
  84. Impalas (Bound) – Impalas bound gracefully, using their powerful hind legs to jump.
  85. Jackrabbits (Bound) – Jackrabbits use bounding leaps to escape threats quickly.
  86. Kingfishers (Dive) – Kingfishers dive headfirst into water to catch fish with remarkable accuracy.
  87. Leopards (Creep) – Leopards creep close to the ground when stalking prey, using their camouflage effectively.
  88. Meerkats (Gallop) – Meerkats gallop short distances quickly, often standing upright to survey their surroundings.
  89. Newts (Creep) – Newts creep along both underwater and on wet ground, searching for food.
  90. Orcas (Swim) – Orcas swim powerfully, often seen breaching and playing in ocean waters.
  91. Porcupines (Shuffle) – Porcupines shuffle along the forest floor, their quills a defensive barrier against predators.
  92. Quetzals (Flutter) – Quetzals flutter spectacularly through Central American rainforests, their bright colors a blur.
  93. Robins (Hop) – Robins hop along the ground, searching for insects and worms.
  94. Skunks (Amble) – Skunks amble along, their distinctive striped tail raised as a warning.
  95. Tapirs (Trot) – Tapirs trot through their rainforest habitats, often near water.
  96. Uakaris (Swing) – Uakaris swing from limb to limb in their arboreal rainforest home.
  97. Voles (Scuttle) – Voles scuttle through underbrush and tunnels, constantly foraging.
  98. Wombats (Waddle) – Wombats waddle through their Australian bushland, digging extensive burrows.
  99. Xenopus (Swim) – Xenopus, a type of frog, swims adeptly in water, using its legs to paddle.
  100. Yakalis (Trot) – Yakalis trot across the South American landscapes, grazing in herds.

Animals and Their Movements Name List l প্রাণী এবং তাদের চলাচলের (হাঁটার বা গমনাগমনের) নামের তালিকা l

আপনি কি বাংলা কবিতা পড়তে ভালোবাসেন, তাহলে এই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করুন : www.raateralo.com


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