
1000+ Phrasal Verbs With Bengali Meaning l Phrasal Verbs With Bengali Meaning l বাংলা অর্থসহ Phrasal Verbs (Group Verbs)

By Siksakul

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Phrasal Verbs With Bengali Meaning

আমরা আজকে Phrasal Verbs With Bengali Meaning এই টপিক নিয়ে আলোচনা করবো

Phrasal verbs are like the spice of the English language, adding flavor and depth to everyday communication. They consist of a verb combined with one or more particles, typically prepositions or adverbs. These particles completely change the meaning of the verb, often creating idiomatic expressions that can be puzzling for language learners but second nature for native speakers. One characteristic of phrasal verbs is their flexibility. They can be transitive or intransitive, meaning they can take a direct object or not. For example, “turn off” is transitive in “turn off the light” but intransitive in “the engine turned off.” Phrasal verbs are ubiquitous in both spoken and written English, found in casual conversations, literature, newspapers, and academic texts. They convey nuances and subtleties that may not be expressible with single-word verbs.

For instance, “give up” means to surrender or quit, while “give in” suggests yielding or reluctantly agreeing to something. Learning phrasal verbs can be challenging due to their figurative meanings and the variations in usage. Some phrasal verbs are separable, meaning the object can come between the verb and the particle (e.g., “turn the light off”), while others are inseparable (e.g., “look up to someone”). Moreover, phrasal verbs often have multiple meanings depending on context, adding layers of complexity. For example, “take off” can mean to remove something (like clothes), to depart suddenly (as in a plane taking off), or to become successful suddenly (like a career taking off).

However, despite their complexities, phrasal verbs are an integral part of English proficiency. Mastering them can greatly enhance one’s ability to understand and communicate effectively in both formal and informal settings. To learn phrasal verbs effectively, it’s crucial to study them in context, understanding how they are used in sentences and conversations. Additionally, exposure to authentic English materials such as books, movies, and podcasts can provide valuable insights into their usage.

In conclusion, phrasal verbs are dynamic linguistic constructs that enrich the English language with their versatility and expressiveness. Embracing them as a learner opens up a world of nuanced communication and deeper comprehension of the language.

আজ Phrasal Verbs with Bengali Meaning PDF টি সবার সাথে শেয়ার করছি, যেটিতে ১০০০টিরও বেশি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Phrasal Verbs বা Group Verbs রয়েছে। সবথেকে বড় ব্যাপার হলো এই পিডিএফে Group Verb-এর বাংলা অর্থ ও উদাহরণ দেওয়া আছে, যা সহজেই মনে রাখতে ও বুঝতে সহায়তা করবে। আর যেকোনো চাকরীর পরীক্ষায় ইংরাজির একটি অত্যাবশ্যকীয় অধ্যায় হিসাবে Phrasal Verb- এর গুরুত্ব তো নিশ্চয়ই বোঝেন। Primary TET, CTET, CGL, MTS, ICDS, PSC, Clerkship, WBP Constable সহ সমস্ত পরীক্ষায় বিশেষ সাহায্য করবে এটি।

Phrasal Verbs with Bengali Meaning PDF l Phrasal (Group verbs) Verbs with Bengali Meaning PDF l List of Group Verbs

এখানে কিছু Phrasal Verbs এর নমুনা দেওয়া হলো।

Act for

পক্ষে কাজ করা

Saheb will act for the Madam.

Break out

ছড়িয়ে পড়া

Cholera has broken out throughout the country.

Carry on

চালিয়ে যাওয়া।

Carry un your job.

Do on

পরিধান করা

Do on your shirt.

Give up

হাল ছেড়ে দেওয়া/পরিত্যাগ করা

Never give up.

Hand on

হস্তান্তর করা

Hand on the book to your father

Look for

খোঁজ করা

l am looking for a job.

Keep away

দূরে থাকা বা রাখা

Keep yourself away from evil company

Make up

ক্ষতিপুরণ করা

Who will make up the loss?

Phrasal Verbs with Meaning and Sentences

  1. Ask after:

She coming to ask about your health.

  1. Ask for:

You can ask for help when you need it

  1. Break down: (stop working)

The old bus may break down during the long journey.

  1. Break-in: ( enter a building forcefully to steal)

Thieves can break-in case you do not have good security arrangements.

  1. Break off: (stop a relationship)

The two friends will break off their relations if one cheats the other.

  1. Break out: (for something unpleasant)

War can break out between the two countries at any time.

  1. Come down: (break and fall; decrease in price)

The oil prices may come down.

  1. Come from:

The rain comes from the clouds.

  1. Come in: (arrive; entre)

The train will, at last, come in.

  1. Come off: (stop being covering to something)

A wheel of this toy has come off.

  1. Come off: (fall from something)

The ring will come off your finger.

  1. Come out: (become known)

The truth of the matter has come out.

  1. Get in: (succeed in entering)

I reached the class late, so could not get in.

Phrasal Verbs With Bengali Meaning

  1. Get off: (start a journey)

They will get off in the morning.

  1. Get on: (pass time in a friendly way)

John and Ali get on well.

  1. Get out: (escape from somewhere)

You will easily get out in case of a fire.

  1. Hit by: (stuck by)

He will hit by a running car.

  1. Hit on or upon: (discover by chance)

I hit upon their secret plan against me.

  1. Pass down: (pass something from one generation to another)

Laws are passed down as time passes.

  1. Pass on: (move from one activity to another)

Please pass on to the next lesson.

Phrasal Verbs with Meaning and Sentences A-L

  1. Account for: (give a good reason for, explain well)

You should now account for your failure.

  1. Act for: (act on behalf)

The chairman acts for the president.

  1. Act on or upon: (act in accordance with)

Please act upon my suggestion.

  1. Act on or upon: (affect, to exert an influence upon)

Water acts on iron.

  1. Ask for: (request or demand)

I shall send the money you have asked for.

  1. Back down on: (take back a demand, an opinion, etc.)

Do you back down on your stand?

  1. Back out: (fall to fulfill a promise)

India promised elections in Kashmir but later backed ours.

  1. Be up to: (be busy with some mischief)

What mischief is he up to?

  1. Bear away: (win)

She will bear away the first prize.

  1. Bear out: (confirm)

Who can bear out this story?

  1. Bear with: (have patience with)

Raza will never bear with this insult.

  1. Blow out: (put out or extinguish a flame by blowing)

The wind will blow out this flame.

  1. Blow up: (destroy by the explosion)

They will blow up the hill, the plane blew up in the air.

  1. Bring in: (give as profit or rent)

Our business brings in big income.

  1. Bring up: (train or rear a child, etc.)

Who will bring up this call?

  1. Call at: (pay a short visit to a home, etc.)

We shall call at your house in the evening.

  1. Call for. (Demand)

The people call for police action.

  1. Care for: (look after)

We should care for these poor children.

  1. Carry on: (continue)

We shall carry on our work even in the greatest danger.

  1. Carry out: (perform)

He will carry out your order.

Phrasal Verb List Cont.

  1. Clean up: (clean thoroughly)

Now clean up the house.

  1. Close down: (shut permanently a shop or business)

They will close down their business?

  1. Cut off: (disconnect)

They may cut off your electricity.

  1. Do away with: (abolish)

We should do away with this law.

  1. Draw out: (become or make longer in time)

I summer days draw out.

  1. Draw up: (from in a regular shape)

They will draw up a new plan.

  1. Drive at: (mean or intend)

What are you driving at?

  1. Drop off: (fall asleep)

They dropped off in class.

  1. Drop out: (withdraw)

One student has dropped out of our class.

  1. Fall off(become less or fewer)

The attendance n classes may fall off.

Phrasal Verbs with Meaning and Sentences

  1. Fall through: (don’t happen)

Her plans will fall through.

  1. Find out: (discover after effort)

I could not find out my lost book.

  1. Get along: (live together well)

They get along very well.

  1. Get on: (make progress)

He is getting on in his business.

  1. Get through: (make a contact by phone, pass)

She phoned me and got through. You will get through the explanation.

  1. Get up: (rise from bed)

She gets up at 6 a.m.

  1. Give in: (submit)

We cannot give in to them.

  1. Give up: (leave trying to do something)

Please give up smoking.

  1. Go away: (disappear)

Why do you want to go away so soon?

  1. Go back: (return)

We shall not go back to the rain.

  1. Hand around: (to pass something)

Please hand around these apples to the last person.

  1. Hand in: (give by hand)

Please hand in this application to her.

  1. Hand over: (deliver something)

Please hand over these ornaments to them.

  1. Hang up: (end a telephone talk)

She decided to hang up when she heard her angry voice.

  1. Hold good: (be true)

Many old laws still hold good.

  1. Hold together: (keep together)

A great leader can hold his nation together.

  1. Hurry up: (be quick)

Hurry up, we are getting late for the plane.

  1. Jeer at: (laugh and shout at)

Do not jeer at your friend thus.

  1. Jump at: (accept an offer eagerly)

Please do not jump at their offer so soon.

  1. Jump on: (criticize somebody or something)

You have no right to jump on me thus.

  1. Keep away: (remain away or keep someone away from doing something)

I advised him to keep away from politics.

  1. Keep in: (continue)

We keep on writing to you.

  1. Keep up with: (advance at the same pace as)

We should keep up with the advanced countries.

  1. Lay off: (stop employing somebody in the absence of work)

The company will lay off extra workers.

  1. Leave out: (not to include; fail to consider)

Do not leave out my name for the match.

  1. Let off: (not punish)

The magistrate let him off after questioning.

  1. Lie down: (lie in bed in order to sleep)

Let us lie down and sleep.

  1. Live by: (earn one’s living by)

They live by writing stories.

  1. Look after: (take care of)

She looks after this girl.

  1. Look up to: (respect)

You should look up to your elders.


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