Hello Students, আজ Primary TET English Practice Set – 05 | Primary TET Exam 2023 English Pedagogy MCQs টি আপনাদের সঙ্গে শেয়ার করছি, যেটি Primary TET and Others Teaching পরীক্ষাতে কাজে লাগবে যেগুলিতে ইংরাজি বিষয়টা আছে। তাছাড়া যে সমস্ত Grammar MCQ Question গুলো আসে, সেগুলি আপনারা মাধ্যমিক এবং উচ্চমাধ্যমিকে পড়ে এসেছেন। সুতরাং খুব বেশী সমস্যা হওয়ার কথা নয়। তবে প্র্যাকটিসের প্রয়োজন আছে। Siksakul.com এর English Practice Set গুলো আপনাদের প্রস্তুতিতে আরো সমৃদ্ধ করবে।
Primary TET English Practice Set – 05

1. A child has to use higher order mental processes such as intelligence or a reasoning in which types of learning?
A) Motor skills learning.
B) Speaking.
C) Concept learning.
D) Verbal learning.
Ans:- C) Concept learning.
2. State which is not true in context of learning and acquisition?
A) Acquisition is a natural process.
B) Learning is a continuous process.
C) Learning results in subject proficiency.
D) Acquisition helps in cognitive abilities.
Ans:-D) Acquisition helps in cognitive abilities.
3. The ‘ acquired system’ or acquisition of a language is the:-
A) Formal skills development.
B) Sub-conscious process.
C) Input-output process.
D) Self-monitoring of learning.
Ans:-B) Sub-conscious process.
4. Form the given factors, which one may not affect learning outcome?
A) Learner’s motivation and interest.
B) Structure and size of classroom.
C) Teachers personalty and attitude.
D) Parent’s income and status.
Ans:- D) Parent’s income and status.
5. Which of the following statements in incorrect?
A) Language has three constituents-sound vocabulary and structure.
B) The main focus of teaching English is passing the examination through cramming.
C) Regional speech habits do not influence pronunciation of English words.
D) None of the above.
Ans:- C) Regional speech habits do not influence pronunciation of English words.
6. In learning a new language:-
A) the knowledge of mother tongue is helpful.
B) the use of mother tongue interferes rather than facilities.
C) the mother tongue should not be used at all by the learners.
D) None of the above.
Ans:- A) the knowledge of mother tongue is helpful.
7. Before coming to school children are:-
A) fully aware of all grammatical rule related to language.
B) Do not know about the second language.
C) Will equipped in their native language to understand and explain.
D) Well versed in more than one language.
Ans:- C) Will equipped in their native language to understand and explain.
8. Which of the following statements is/are not correct?
A) Language helps in Uniting thoughts and identities of the individual.
B) In India, language diversity poses a complex problem.
C) Language is one of the most important form of communication among humans.
D) In India, English language is spoken by 80% of population.
Ans:-D) In India, English language is spoken by 80% of population.
Primary TET English Practice Set – 05 l Primary TET Exam 2023 English Pedagogy
আরও পড়ুন:- WB Primary TET English Pedagogy Practice Set 1
9. Which of the following is not a criteria of listening?
A) Recognising words.
B) Recognising stress, rhythm, tone and intonation.
C) Avoiding destructions.
D) Being attentive but avoiding eye contact.
Ans:- D) Being attentive but avoiding eye contact.
10. Poetry recitation helps learners to:-
A) Learn proper intonation and stress.
B) Understand same sound words.
C) Learn rhythm.
D) None of the above.
Ans:-A) Learn proper intonation and stress.
11. Speaking is an active process while listening is a______process.
A) Slow.
B) Passive.
C) Fast.
D) Dormant.
Ans:- B) Passive.
12. Which of the following is not a role of listening?
A) Understanding the message and content.
B) Focusing on what the other person is trying to say.
C) Expressing one’s feelings before someone.
D) Understanding facts and concepts.
Ans:-C) Expressing one’s feelings before someone.
13. Which of the following statements is true in the context of grammar?
A) Provides a set of rules that should be followed.
B) Grammar has no rule in the learning of a foreign language.
C) Knowledge of grammar helps with fluency in speech.
D) Grammar is a system of language which helps in polishing our speaking and writing skills.
Ans:- D) Grammar is a system of language which helps in polishing our speaking and writing skills.
14. One of the objectives of teaching English grammar refers to:-
A) To Increase our power of memorising.
B) To increase our originality of Idea.
C) To develop the ability to express Idea logically and correctly in speech and writing.
D) None of the above.
Ans:- C) To develop the ability to express Idea logically and correctly in speech and writing.
15. Which of the following is not an advantage of teaching grammar?
A) Gives an overview to the learner about worldly things.
B) Helps to develop various language skills.
C) Focuses on concrete to abstract approach.
D) Is based on rote method of learning.
Ans:- D) Is based on rote method of learning.
16. Shaurya, a student of class 4, often makes mistakes in the use of correct tense. The teacher can correct his mistakes by:-
A) Explaining or writing rules of grammar.
B) Asking him to memorise tense table thoroughly.
C) By giving real life situation or example where one can use correct tense.
D) By asking Surya to write tense table 10 times in his notebook.
Ans:- C) By giving real life situation or example where one can use correct tense.
17. A creative English language teacher can use multilinguism as:-
A) A classroom strategy to involve all learners.
B) A tool to make connections between ideas, people and things.
C) Best resource a readily available.
D) All of the above.
Ans:- D) All of the above.
18. A class II teacher. Ankita, uses various talks such as creating charts, graph drawing, gathering information and presenting them through pair or group work. This type of instruction:-
A) Helps learners with multiple intelligence to perform well and learn better.
B) Is a way of demonstrating her own knowledge.
C) Only helps the bright learners.
D) Is the best way to prepare students for a assessment.
Ans:-A) Helps learners with multiple intelligence to perform well and learn better.
19. According to NCF-2005, across the curriculum approach for teaching English means:-
A) English only as a medium of instruction.
B) Breaking down barriers between English and other subjects.
C) Having a separate curriculum for English which does beyond The other subjects.
D) Treating English as one of the subjects in the curriculum.
Ans:-D) Treating English as one of the subjects in the curriculum.
20. The teaching of English in India is facing the main problem of:-
A) Excessive use of teaching aids.
B) Use of traditional and old method.
C) Lack of good learning material.
D) Both B and C.
Ans:- D) Both B and C.