Hello Students, আজ Primary TET English Practice Set – 03 | Primary TET Exam 2023 English Pedagogy MCQs টি আপনাদের সঙ্গে শেয়ার করছি, যেটি Primary TET and Others Teaching পরীক্ষাতে কাজে লাগবে যেগুলিতে ইংরাজি বিষয়টা আছে। তাছাড়া যে সমস্ত Grammar MCQ Question গুলো আসে, সেগুলি আপনারা মাধ্যমিক এবং উচ্চমাধ্যমিকে পড়ে এসেছেন। সুতরাং খুব বেশী সমস্যা হওয়ার কথা নয়। তবে প্র্যাকটিসের প্রয়োজন আছে। Siksakul.com এর English Practice Set গুলো আপনাদের প্রস্তুতিতে আরো সমৃদ্ধ করবে।
Primary TET English Practice Set – 03

1. Telling interesting stories to young learners is primarily meant for improving their-
A) Writing Skills
B) Speaking skills.
C) Listening skills.
D) Reading skills skills.
Ans:- C) Listening skills.
2. The main purpose of using oral drill is:-
A) To assess the comprehension skills of learners.
B) To improve pronounciation and accuracy.
C) To enhance the speaking skills of learners.
D) To improve the retention capacity of learners.
Ans:- B) To improve pronounciation and accuracy.
3. The best way to sensitize young learners to rhythm and intonation is:-
A) By reading out poems in different metres and explaining them.
B) By making the learners listen to nursery rhythms and recite them effectively.
C) By making the learners copy out simple poem is near handwriting.
D) By explaining the rules of phonetic in simple words.
Ans:- B) By making the learners listen to nursery rhythms and recite them effectively.
4. An effective language teacher:-
A) Will make children learn all the answer to the questions given in the text book.
B) Will use the text books as well as other material as resources for teaching.
C) Will prepare question papers using only the questions given in the text book.
D) Will rely entirely on the prescribed text book.
Ans:- B) Will use the text books as well as other material as resources for teaching.
5. The most effective tool to access values and attitude of learners is:-
A) Anecdotal record.
B) Portfolio.
C) Unit Test.
D) Summative test.
Ans:- B) Portfolio.
6. A teacher engages Haryana activity before beginning a new lesson. The purpose of this activity is to:-
A) Discipline the learners before the lesson.
B) Divert the attention of the learner.
C) Reduce the workload of the teachers.
D) Motivate and energize of learners.
Ans:- D) Motivate and energize of learners.
7. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation should be adopted by all schools because:-
A) It is the latest development in the field of education.
B) Traditional pen-paper tests do not access and enhance all the attributes and abilities of learners.
C) It frees the learners from studies and hard work.
D) It affords teachers opportunities to test learners frequently.
Ans:- B) Traditional pen-paper tests do not access and enhance all the attributes and abilities of learners.
8. Which of the following is an important stage in the writing process?
A) Editing.
B) Memorization.
C) Calligraphy.
D) Comprehension.
Ans:- D) Comprehension.
9. Knowledge of more than one language:-
A) Becomes a burden to the teacher in the language classroom.
B) Confuses the learners wild learning a new language.
C) Is very helpful in teaching and learning a new language.
D) Cause interference in learning a new language.
Ans:- C) Is very helpful in teaching and learning a new language.
10. Seating arrangement should be flexible so that:-
A) Many group, PR and wildclass activities can be conducted easily.
B) Children do not from permanent friendship groups.
C) The teacher and sure equality prevalis in her classroom.
D) Children have the freedom to move their seats wherever they want.
Ans:- A) Many group, PR and wildclass activities can be conducted easily.
Primary TET Exam 2023 English Pedagogy l
আরও পড়ুন:- WB Primary TET English Pedagogy Practice Set 2
11. Curriculum is an educational program which does not state:-
A) The number of lesson to be thought in a term.
B) The means of evaluating weather the educational objectives have been achieved or not.
C) The content teaching strategies and learning experience which will be necessary to achieve this purpose.
D) The educational purpose of the programme.
Ans:- A) The number of lesson to be thought in a term.
12. A good introduction to a text should be:-
A) Telling the students anything that they can find out for themselves by reading the text.
B) A detailed explanation of the meaning of the text.
C) Blocking the students achieve involvement by mean of questioning.
D) Short and to the point.
Ans:- D) Short and to the point.
13. A ‘sight word’ is a vocabulary item:-
A) That needs proper visual understanding of the context.
B) That is to be learned by heart.
C) That helps in judging the effectiveness of the author’s style.
D) That the reader recognises and finance meaningful on sight without a complicated analysis.
Ans:- D) That the reader recognises and finance meaningful on sight without a complicated analysis.
14. Scanning means darting over match of text to search for:-
A) The opinion of the author.
B) Difficult words.
C) A specific item or peace of information that we wish to discover.
D) The central idea.
Ans:- C) A specific item or peace of information that we wish to discover.
15. We use objects to teach young learners new words because:-
A) It helps in teaching the correct spelling of words.
B) We can teach vocabulary only through objects.
C) Young are are not capable of abstract thinking.
D) It helps learners associate words with objects they see in real life.
Ans:-D) It helps learners associate words with objects they see in real life.
Primary TET English Practice Set – 03 | Primary TET Exam 2023 English Pedagogy MCQs
16. Students are not organisms. Which one of the following methods sees them as a whole person?
B) Silent way
Ans:- C) CLL
17. Writing is the ______ representation of speech sounds.
A) Graphical.
B) Phonetic.
C) Systematic.
D) Alphabetical.
Ans:- A) Graphical.
18. When a teacher use realia(বাস্তব) to teach vocabulary and grammar, she is:-
A) Using real objects, actions and real life situations.
B) Using computer technology.
C) Teaching through true stories.
D) Using role play as a learning device.
Ans:- A) Using real objects, actions and real life situations.
19. A poem whose first letters of each line spell out a word is called:-
A) Epic
B) Acrostic
C) Haiku
D) Alliterative
Ans:- B) Acrostic
20. Decorum in the spoken English pertains to:-
A) Clarity and purity of style.
B) Correct grammatical usage.
C) Voice quality.
D) Appropriate gestures.
Ans:- D. Appropriate gestures.