Hello Students, আজ WB Primary TET English Practice Set – 10 | Primary TET Exam 2023 English Pedagogy MCQs টি আপনাদের সঙ্গে শেয়ার করছি, যেটি Primary TET and Others Teaching পরীক্ষাতে কাজে লাগবে যেগুলিতে ইংরাজি বিষয়টা আছে। তাছাড়া যে সমস্ত Grammar MCQ Question গুলো আসে, সেগুলি আপনারা মাধ্যমিক এবং উচ্চমাধ্যমিকে পড়ে এসেছেন। সুতরাং খুব বেশী সমস্যা হওয়ার কথা নয়। তবে প্র্যাকটিসের প্রয়োজন আছে। Siksakul.com এর English Practice Set গুলো আপনাদের প্রস্তুতিতে আরো সমৃদ্ধ করবে।
WB Primary TET English Practice Set – 10

1. What are the characteristics of good remedial teaching?
A) Remedial teaching suit carried out during activities that the student loves.
B) Performance should not be measured and recorded.
C) No need to relevant material.
D) Errors and successors must be detected and noted.
Ans:-D) Errors and successors must be detected and noted.
2. The ultimate aim of teaching is to-
A) Help the students pass the examination.
B) Help pupils who have fallen behind to learn to the best of their ability and to bring them back into the mainstream classes as far as possible.
C) Engage friends Hindi teaching learning process.
D) Provide feedback of the examination.
Ans:-B) Help pupils who have fallen behind to learn to the best of their ability and to bring them back into the mainstream classes as far as possible.
3. Remedial teaching is given either:-
A) During the lessons to which the need for support is connected.
B) Outside lessons.
C) Both A & B.
D) None of the above.
Ans:-C) Both A & B.
4. What is important for a remedial teacher?
A) To understand the family background of pupil.
B) To understand thoroughly this strength and weaknesses of their pupil.
C) To plan the tests properly.
D) All of the above.
Ans:-B) To understand thoroughly this strength and weaknesses of their pupil.
5. General principles of remedial teaching includes-
A) Individual consideration of the backward people with the recognition of his mental, physical and educational characteristics.
B) Frequent planned remedial lessons.
C) Corporation with the parents.
D) All of the above.
Ans:-D) All of the above.
6. The unit of teaching in bilingual method is:-
A) Word.
B) Sentence.
C) Paragraph.
D) Letter.
Ans:-B) Sentence.
7. The audio lingual method is based on:-
A) Constructivism theory.
B) Behaviouist theory.
C) Utilitarian theory.
D) None of the above.
Ans:-B) Behaviouist theory.
8. The audio lingual method is also called:-
A) Army method.
B) New ki method.
C) Both A & B.
D) None of the above.
Ans:-C) Both A & B.
9. Characteristics of audio lingual method are:-
A) Drills are used to teach structural patterns.
B) Grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum.
C) Focus is on pronunciation.
D) All of the above.
Ans:-D) All of the above.
আরও পড়ুন:- প্রাইমারি টেট ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট 7

10. Karl plotz is related with the method:-
A) Direct method.
B) Bilingual method.
C) Grammar translation method.
D) Audio lingual method.
Ans:-C) Grammar translation method.
11. Which language skills are receptive?
A) Listening and speaking.
B) Listening and reading.
C) Writing and listening.
D) Speaking and reading.
Ans:-B) Listening and reading.
12. Grammar translation method stresses on:-
A) Fluency.
B) Appropriateness.
C) Accuracy.
D) Listening skill.
Ans:-C) Accuracy.
13. Children can best learn a language when they have:-
A) Good text book.
B) Proficient language teacher.
C) Inhibition.
D) Motivation.
Ans:-D) Motivation.
14. Study of meaning in a language is known as:-
A) Syntax.
B) Sementies.
C) Morphology.
D) Linguistics.
Ans:-B) Sementies.
15. Which one of the following is considered as a great deterrent to learning English language?
A) English is a difficult language to learn.
B) English has a vast vocabulary.
C) Lack of opportunity for pupils to listen and use English outside classroom.
D) English phenomes are unscrupulous.
Ans:-C) Lack of opportunity for pupils to listen and use English outside classroom.
16. There are 44 sounds in English. Out of this how may sounds are vowels and how many consonants respectively?
A) 20,24
B) 5,39
C) 22,22
D) 10,34
Ans:-A) 20,24
17. Ethymology is a:-
A) Science of Pedagogy.
B) Study of the meaning of words.
C) Science is knowing the origin of the word.
D) Study of language.
Ans:-C) Science is knowing the origin of the word.
18. Dr. West method lays stress on:-
A) Listening.
B) Speaking.
C) Reading.
D) Writing.
Ans:-C) Reading.
19. Lesson plan is an example for:-
A) Long term plan.
B) Mid term plan.
C) Short term plan.
D) Half yearly plan.
Ans:-C) Short term plan.
20. Example of authentic material is:-
A) English reader.
B) Supplementary reader.
C) Newspaper.
D) All of the above.
Ans:-C) Newspaper.