Hello Students, আজ WB Primary TET English Practice Set – 08 | Primary TET Exam 2023 English Pedagogy MCQs টি আপনাদের সঙ্গে শেয়ার করছি, যেটি Primary TET and Others Teaching পরীক্ষাতে কাজে লাগবে যেগুলিতে ইংরাজি বিষয়টা আছে। তাছাড়া যে সমস্ত Grammar MCQ Question গুলো আসে, সেগুলি আপনারা মাধ্যমিক এবং উচ্চমাধ্যমিকে পড়ে এসেছেন। সুতরাং খুব বেশী সমস্যা হওয়ার কথা নয়। তবে প্র্যাকটিসের প্রয়োজন আছে। Siksakul.com এর English Practice Set গুলো আপনাদের প্রস্তুতিতে আরো সমৃদ্ধ করবে।
WB Primary TET English Practice Set – 08

1. Progress from generalisation to specific example is-
A) Deductive.
B) Inductive.
C) Incidental.
D) Remedial.
Ans:-A) Deductive.
2. The founder of structural grammar was-
A) Nesfield.
B) Chapman.
C) Chomsky.
D) C.C.Fries.
Ans:-D) C.C.Fries.
3. Inductive method proceeds from-
A) Known to unknown.
B) Simple to complex.
C) Complex to simple.
D) Both A and B.
Ans:-D) Both A and B.
4. In the traditional method of teaching grammar-
A) Language fluency is to be required.
B) Blackboard are essential.
C) Text book is must.
D) All the above.
Ans:-C) Text book is must.
5. Language acquisition occurs only when-
A) The child learns the rules of grammar.
B) The child is exposed to the language.
C) The child memorises the lesson.
D) The child is given a reward.
Ans:-B) The child is exposed to the language.
6. Method is teaching grammar is-
A) Deductive.
B) Inductive.
C) Incidental.
D) All of the above.
Ans:-D) All of the above.
7. Study of correct spelling is known as-
A) Syntax.
B) Semantics.
C) Morphology.
D) Orthography.
Ans:-D) Orthography.
8. Structural approach is English stresses on-
A) Speech.
B) Conversation.
C) Listening skill.
D) Reading skill.
Ans:-A) Speech.
9. Syntax is the study of-
A) Grammatical arrangement of words.
B) Accuracy of pronunciation.
C) Correct use of words.
D) None of these.
Ans:-A) Grammatical arrangement of words.
10. The curriculum should ideally-
A) Connect knowledge outside.
B) Do away with assessment.
C) Provide overall development of children.
D) Address social need.
Ans:-A) Connect knowledge outside.
আরও দেখুন:- English Pedagogy Practice Set 5

11. The study of the structure of the language is called-
A) Linguistics.
B) Morphologh.
C) Etymology.
D) Axiology.
Ans:-B) Morphologh.
12. Students in FCA are allowed-
A) No freedom.
B) To learn the rules first.
C) Much freedom.
D) To learn according to their own will.
Ans:-C) Much freedom.
13. A language is best learnt by:-
A) Initiation.
B) Inhibition.
C) Imitation.
D) Intimation.
Ans:-C) Imitation.
14. At the initial stage FCA focuses on:-
A) Listening.
B) Speaking.
C) Writing.
D) Listening and speaking.
Ans:-D) Listening and speaking.
15. Learning a language requires:-
A) An inbron capacity.
B) An inmate capacity.
C) An external stimulus.
D) None of the above.
Ans:-B) An inmate capacity.

16. In grammar translation method little importance is given to:-
A) Vocabulary.
B) Punctuation.
C) Spelling.
D) Pronunciation.
Ans:-D) Pronunciation.
17. Remedial teaching is needed:-
A) To test learner for periodically.
B) To help students pass the exam.
C) To address gaps in learning.
D) To help bright students to excel.
Ans:-C) To address gaps in learning.
18. The direct method was popularized by:-
A) The international phonetic Association.
B) The inter International sementic Association.
C) German linguists.
D) American linguists.
Ans:-A) The international phonetic Association.
19. Noise in to classroom indicates:-
A) Indiscipline of the learners.
B) Incompetence of the teacher.
C) Constructive activities of the learners.
D) Disinterested of the learners.
Ans:-B) Incompetence of the teacher.
20. Direct method prohibits:-
A) Communicability.
B) Fluency.
C) Vocabulary.
D) Memorization.
Ans:-D) Memorization.