
100+ Antonyms List for Kids and Students of All Grades

By Siksakul

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100+ Antonyms List for Kids and Students of All Grades

100+ Antonyms List for Kids and Students of All Grades: A Must-Have Vocabulary Resource”

The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and a strong vocabulary is essential for effective communication. Understanding antonyms—words with opposite meanings—helps you choose the right words to express yourself clearly and accurately.

In this article, we present a comprehensive 100+ Antonyms List designed for kids and students of all grades. This list of opposite words will not only enrich your vocabulary but also improve your performance in school assignments and exams. It’s an excellent resource for enhancing your language skills and building confidence in English.

What are Antonyms in English?

Simply put, antonyms are words that have the exact opposite meaning of another word. The word ‘antonym’ originates from the Greek words ‘Anti,’ meaning ‘Opposite,’ and ‘Onym,’ meaning ‘Name.’

It’s common to mix up synonyms and antonyms, but here’s an easy way to remember: synonyms are words with similar meanings, while antonyms are words with completely opposite meanings.

Check the list of 100+ antonyms given below and try to use them in sentences to get a proper understanding. 

GazeA steady intent look.Peek, glance, glimpse 
Robust Strong and healthy. Weak, sluggish, languid 
PunySmall and weak.Large, substantial, massive
ConspicuousObvious to the eye and mind. Subtle, hidden, obscure 
UndauntedNot discouraged by danger or difficulty. Fearful, spiritless, spineless
DiminutionThe act of becoming gradually less. Increase, enlargement, boost
Turbulent Characterized by conflict/agitation. Calm, peaceful, untroubled
Decipher To interpret the meaning of.Encode, encrypt, misinterpret
FerociousFierce or cruel. Moderate, peaceful, submissive
Infringe To violate/break a law or agreement. Comply, obey
Inept Having or showing no skill/incompetent. Competent, expert, skilled 
Petite Small and thin. Large, bulky, oversized 
Camouflage Concealment by the means of disguise. Flaunt, expose, unveil 
BrittleLiable to break easily.Sturdy, tough, strong
Rattle To make a series of short, sharp noises.Appease, soothe 
BoorishRough and bad mannered. Refined, cultivated, gentlemanly 
Falter To show uncertainty about the right course of action. Advance, decide
Despicable Deserving contempt. Admirable, praiseworthy
ClumsyAwkward in movement or manner. Handy, skilled, expert 
EnhanceImprove the quality/value of. Worsen, damage, reduce
Austere Strict in manner. Gentle, easy
LibertyThe state of being free. Captivity, dependence
BarbarousUncivilized and brutal.Humane, merciful, sophisticated
Cowardice Lack of bravery. Daring, gallantry, courage
AdmonishWarn someone.Applaud, approve
AxiomUniversally accepted principle.Paradox, ambiguity
BindTie something tightly together.Free, liberate, release
EaseAbsense of difficulty.Hinder, complicate, impede
AppeasePacify.Annoy, anger, inflame
BattyInsane.Sane, sound, rational
DefrayProvide for the payment of.Defund, take
DefileDamage purity of.Purify, cleanse, sanctify
BenignGentle and kind.Stern, coarse, caustic 
AntipathyStrong feeling of dislike.Friendship, cordiality, amicability
BluntForthright.Polite, civil, considerate
DaintySmall and delicate.Ordinary, unpolished
AbsolvePardon, forgive.Impeach, accuse, charge
AdjunctSomething joined or added to another thing.Disconnect, disassociate
AdversityUnpleasant situation.Fortune, success, advantage
BarrenLand too poor to produce vegetation.Lush, fertile 
AbashMake someone feel ashamed/embarassed.Calm, console
AbjectExisting in a low state.High-handed, superior
AcrimonyBitterness.Kindness, cordiality
AcumenAbility to make good judgments. Naivete, simplicity
HinderTo delay.Liberate, assist, make way
DrearyDepressingly dull.Pleasing, cheerful, inspiring
Crooked Dishonest.Valid, truthful
NaiveLack of experience and wisdom.Cynical, experienced, cosmopolitan
RecedeMove back from previous position.Advance, confront, face
FoeEnemy/opponent.Partner, friend, colleague
TimidLack of courage.Daring, brave, fearless
CourteousPolite and respectful.Rude, uncivil, thoughtless
TormentSevere mental or physical suffering.Comfort, solace
IllustriousWell known and respected. Average, mediocre, insignificant
EnlightenedShowing wisdom and understanding.Uneducated, primitive, backward
MustyUnpleasant smell.Scented, aromatic, perfumed 
FrownTo show disapproval by facial expression.Smile, laugh
LaudedHighly praised or admired.Slammed, rebuked, criticised
SacredWorthy of religious veneration.Profane, mundane, secular 
ScarceLacking in quantity/number.Plentiful, abundant, ample, sufficient 
Vanished Disappear suddenly and completely. Existing, appeared, emerged 
Abruptly In a sudden, unexpected way. Slowly, gradually
NotionA conception of or belief about something. Truth, theory, hypothesis
WaxTo coat something with a slippery substance. Roughen, dehydrate
ServileHaving an excessive willingness to please others. Superior, lordly, dominant
FastidiousVery attentive to and concerned about detail.Carefree, relaxed, unfussy
AncestralInherited from an ancestor.New, latest, modernistic
Mitigate Make something bad less severe/serious.Intensify, aggravate, heighten
WittyCharacterized by quick verbal humour. Unamusing, serious, uncomic 
AgonyExtreme physical or mental suffering. Solace, ease, relief
VileExtremely unpleasant/Wicked.Moral, virtuous, righteous, lovely, aesthetic
AnticipatedExpected or predicted. Late, unanticipated, untimely
EcstasyState of extreme happiness.Misery, depression, melancholy
GnawedConsume or wear away gradually.Renewed, revived, rejuvenated
ConventionalIn accordance with what is generally believed. Unconventional, abnormal, contemporary
Adage Short statement expressing general truth.Miscontruction, emphemism
IntensiveThorough or rigorous.Moderate, reduced, diminished
Tyranny Cruel and arbitrary use of power.Democracy, freedom, self-rule
Venerable Accorded a greal deal of respect.Disreputable, notorious, dishonourable
Arrant Entirely and completely. Uncertain, doubtful 
Apparent Clearly visible or understood.Impossible, hidden, unlikely 
Cajole Persuade someone to do something.Bully, pester, nag
StubbornDetermined to do what they want.Flexible, obedient, compliant 
CompassionTo recognize the suffering of others.Hatred, indifference, hostility 
Authentic Being actually and exactly what is claimed. Fake, invalid, inaccurate, unreliable
Docile Obedient, easy to control.Disobedient, rebellious, defiant, headstrong
Facade A false outward appearance. Candid, genuine, forthright, straightforward
Modest Showing moderate opinion of one’s merits.Proud, conceited, arrogant 
Blatant Unashamed and obvious.Calm, silent, subdued 
Vibrant Bright and striking colour.Dull, weak, lifeless 
Synchronize Making things work together, to occur at the same time.Follow, precede, succeed 
Abysmal Extremely appalling, bad.Superior, high quality, marvelous 
Astound Shock with wonder.Calm, explain, enlighten 
SkepticalHaving doubts, not easily convinced.Sure, convinced, certain 
IntegrityBeing honest with strong principles. Dishonesty, deceit, dishonor 
Bitter Not sweet.Sweet, bland 
Beautiful Having qualities of beauty.Ugly, disgusting, hideous 
Tenacious Determined.Hesitant, quitting, surrendering 
Construe Interpret in a particular way.Confuse, confound
Intermittent Not steady or continuous.Constant, continuous
Sorrow Feeling of distress.Joy, laugh, rejoice 
Trivial Of little importance.Major, essential, consequential
SluggishInactive.Fast, speedy, rapid 
Intentional Done on purpose.Random, incidental, chance 
Disgust Strong disapproval or revulsion.Love, liking, fondness
Justice Just treatment or behaviour.Bias, partiality, injustice 
ClumsyAwkward in movement. Skillful, expert
AdmonishWarn someone firmly.Approve, sanction, applaud 
Bewitching Enchanting or delightful.Boring, repulsive, repellant 
Clandestine Done secretively.Unclassified, unrestricted 
WorstLeast good or desirable.Exceptional, extraordinary
Slow Moving at a low speed.Rapid, quick, fast
ZealousShowing great energy or enthusiasm.Impassive, dispassionate, impersonal

This list will be regularly updated with more antonyms for commonly used words in kids’ and students’ conversations. Until then, explore these antonyms and continue building your vocabulary.


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