100+ Antonyms List for Kids and Students of All Grades: A Must-Have Vocabulary Resource”
The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and a strong vocabulary is essential for effective communication. Understanding antonyms—words with opposite meanings—helps you choose the right words to express yourself clearly and accurately.
In this article, we present a comprehensive 100+ Antonyms List designed for kids and students of all grades. This list of opposite words will not only enrich your vocabulary but also improve your performance in school assignments and exams. It’s an excellent resource for enhancing your language skills and building confidence in English.
What are Antonyms in English?
Simply put, antonyms are words that have the exact opposite meaning of another word. The word ‘antonym’ originates from the Greek words ‘Anti,’ meaning ‘Opposite,’ and ‘Onym,’ meaning ‘Name.’
It’s common to mix up synonyms and antonyms, but here’s an easy way to remember: synonyms are words with similar meanings, while antonyms are words with completely opposite meanings.
Check the list of 100+ antonyms given below and try to use them in sentences to get a proper understanding.
Word | Meaning | Antonyms |
Gaze | A steady intent look. | Peek, glance, glimpse |
Robust | Strong and healthy. | Weak, sluggish, languid |
Puny | Small and weak. | Large, substantial, massive |
Conspicuous | Obvious to the eye and mind. | Subtle, hidden, obscure |
Undaunted | Not discouraged by danger or difficulty. | Fearful, spiritless, spineless |
Diminution | The act of becoming gradually less. | Increase, enlargement, boost |
Turbulent | Characterized by conflict/agitation. | Calm, peaceful, untroubled |
Decipher | To interpret the meaning of. | Encode, encrypt, misinterpret |
Ferocious | Fierce or cruel. | Moderate, peaceful, submissive |
Infringe | To violate/break a law or agreement. | Comply, obey |
Inept | Having or showing no skill/incompetent. | Competent, expert, skilled |
Petite | Small and thin. | Large, bulky, oversized |
Camouflage | Concealment by the means of disguise. | Flaunt, expose, unveil |
Brittle | Liable to break easily. | Sturdy, tough, strong |
Rattle | To make a series of short, sharp noises. | Appease, soothe |
Boorish | Rough and bad mannered. | Refined, cultivated, gentlemanly |
Falter | To show uncertainty about the right course of action. | Advance, decide |
Despicable | Deserving contempt. | Admirable, praiseworthy |
Clumsy | Awkward in movement or manner. | Handy, skilled, expert |
Enhance | Improve the quality/value of. | Worsen, damage, reduce |
Austere | Strict in manner. | Gentle, easy |
Liberty | The state of being free. | Captivity, dependence |
Barbarous | Uncivilized and brutal. | Humane, merciful, sophisticated |
Cowardice | Lack of bravery. | Daring, gallantry, courage |
Admonish | Warn someone. | Applaud, approve |
Axiom | Universally accepted principle. | Paradox, ambiguity |
Bind | Tie something tightly together. | Free, liberate, release |
Ease | Absense of difficulty. | Hinder, complicate, impede |
Appease | Pacify. | Annoy, anger, inflame |
Batty | Insane. | Sane, sound, rational |
Defray | Provide for the payment of. | Defund, take |
Defile | Damage purity of. | Purify, cleanse, sanctify |
Benign | Gentle and kind. | Stern, coarse, caustic |
Antipathy | Strong feeling of dislike. | Friendship, cordiality, amicability |
Blunt | Forthright. | Polite, civil, considerate |
Dainty | Small and delicate. | Ordinary, unpolished |
Absolve | Pardon, forgive. | Impeach, accuse, charge |
Adjunct | Something joined or added to another thing. | Disconnect, disassociate |
Adversity | Unpleasant situation. | Fortune, success, advantage |
Barren | Land too poor to produce vegetation. | Lush, fertile |
Abash | Make someone feel ashamed/embarassed. | Calm, console |
Abject | Existing in a low state. | High-handed, superior |
Acrimony | Bitterness. | Kindness, cordiality |
Acumen | Ability to make good judgments. | Naivete, simplicity |
Hinder | To delay. | Liberate, assist, make way |
Dreary | Depressingly dull. | Pleasing, cheerful, inspiring |
Crooked | Dishonest. | Valid, truthful |
Naive | Lack of experience and wisdom. | Cynical, experienced, cosmopolitan |
Recede | Move back from previous position. | Advance, confront, face |
Foe | Enemy/opponent. | Partner, friend, colleague |
Timid | Lack of courage. | Daring, brave, fearless |
Courteous | Polite and respectful. | Rude, uncivil, thoughtless |
Torment | Severe mental or physical suffering. | Comfort, solace |
Illustrious | Well known and respected. | Average, mediocre, insignificant |
Enlightened | Showing wisdom and understanding. | Uneducated, primitive, backward |
Musty | Unpleasant smell. | Scented, aromatic, perfumed |
Frown | To show disapproval by facial expression. | Smile, laugh |
Lauded | Highly praised or admired. | Slammed, rebuked, criticised |
Sacred | Worthy of religious veneration. | Profane, mundane, secular |
Scarce | Lacking in quantity/number. | Plentiful, abundant, ample, sufficient |
Vanished | Disappear suddenly and completely. | Existing, appeared, emerged |
Abruptly | In a sudden, unexpected way. | Slowly, gradually |
Notion | A conception of or belief about something. | Truth, theory, hypothesis |
Wax | To coat something with a slippery substance. | Roughen, dehydrate |
Servile | Having an excessive willingness to please others. | Superior, lordly, dominant |
Fastidious | Very attentive to and concerned about detail. | Carefree, relaxed, unfussy |
Ancestral | Inherited from an ancestor. | New, latest, modernistic |
Mitigate | Make something bad less severe/serious. | Intensify, aggravate, heighten |
Witty | Characterized by quick verbal humour. | Unamusing, serious, uncomic |
Agony | Extreme physical or mental suffering. | Solace, ease, relief |
Vile | Extremely unpleasant/Wicked. | Moral, virtuous, righteous, lovely, aesthetic |
Anticipated | Expected or predicted. | Late, unanticipated, untimely |
Ecstasy | State of extreme happiness. | Misery, depression, melancholy |
Gnawed | Consume or wear away gradually. | Renewed, revived, rejuvenated |
Conventional | In accordance with what is generally believed. | Unconventional, abnormal, contemporary |
Adage | Short statement expressing general truth. | Miscontruction, emphemism |
Intensive | Thorough or rigorous. | Moderate, reduced, diminished |
Tyranny | Cruel and arbitrary use of power. | Democracy, freedom, self-rule |
Venerable | Accorded a greal deal of respect. | Disreputable, notorious, dishonourable |
Arrant | Entirely and completely. | Uncertain, doubtful |
Apparent | Clearly visible or understood. | Impossible, hidden, unlikely |
Cajole | Persuade someone to do something. | Bully, pester, nag |
Stubborn | Determined to do what they want. | Flexible, obedient, compliant |
Compassion | To recognize the suffering of others. | Hatred, indifference, hostility |
Authentic | Being actually and exactly what is claimed. | Fake, invalid, inaccurate, unreliable |
Docile | Obedient, easy to control. | Disobedient, rebellious, defiant, headstrong |
Facade | A false outward appearance. | Candid, genuine, forthright, straightforward |
Modest | Showing moderate opinion of one’s merits. | Proud, conceited, arrogant |
Blatant | Unashamed and obvious. | Calm, silent, subdued |
Vibrant | Bright and striking colour. | Dull, weak, lifeless |
Synchronize | Making things work together, to occur at the same time. | Follow, precede, succeed |
Abysmal | Extremely appalling, bad. | Superior, high quality, marvelous |
Astound | Shock with wonder. | Calm, explain, enlighten |
Skeptical | Having doubts, not easily convinced. | Sure, convinced, certain |
Integrity | Being honest with strong principles. | Dishonesty, deceit, dishonor |
Bitter | Not sweet. | Sweet, bland |
Beautiful | Having qualities of beauty. | Ugly, disgusting, hideous |
Tenacious | Determined. | Hesitant, quitting, surrendering |
Construe | Interpret in a particular way. | Confuse, confound |
Intermittent | Not steady or continuous. | Constant, continuous |
Sorrow | Feeling of distress. | Joy, laugh, rejoice |
Trivial | Of little importance. | Major, essential, consequential |
Sluggish | Inactive. | Fast, speedy, rapid |
Intentional | Done on purpose. | Random, incidental, chance |
Disgust | Strong disapproval or revulsion. | Love, liking, fondness |
Justice | Just treatment or behaviour. | Bias, partiality, injustice |
Clumsy | Awkward in movement. | Skillful, expert |
Admonish | Warn someone firmly. | Approve, sanction, applaud |
Bewitching | Enchanting or delightful. | Boring, repulsive, repellant |
Clandestine | Done secretively. | Unclassified, unrestricted |
Worst | Least good or desirable. | Exceptional, extraordinary |
Slow | Moving at a low speed. | Rapid, quick, fast |
Zealous | Showing great energy or enthusiasm. | Impassive, dispassionate, impersonal |
This list will be regularly updated with more antonyms for commonly used words in kids’ and students’ conversations. Until then, explore these antonyms and continue building your vocabulary.