Hello Students, আজ Primary TET English Practice Set – 07 | Primary TET Exam 2023 English Pedagogy MCQs টি আপনাদের সঙ্গে শেয়ার করছি, যেটি Primary TET and Others Teaching পরীক্ষাতে কাজে লাগবে যেগুলিতে ইংরাজি বিষয়টা আছে। তাছাড়া যে সমস্ত Grammar MCQ Question গুলো আসে, সেগুলি আপনারা মাধ্যমিক এবং উচ্চমাধ্যমিকে পড়ে এসেছেন। সুতরাং খুব বেশী সমস্যা হওয়ার কথা নয়। তবে প্র্যাকটিসের প্রয়োজন আছে। Siksakul.com এর English Practice Set গুলো আপনাদের প্রস্তুতিতে আরো সমৃদ্ধ করবে।
Primary TET English Practice Set – 07
1. The language should be taught through-
A) The mother tongue and translation.
B) Using the target language as much as it is possible.
C) Learner background and talent.
D) Grammar and rules of language.
Ans:-B) Using the target language as much as it is possible.
2. Which one of the following is not a language component?
A) Grammar.
B) Speech.
C) Sound system.
D) Manuscript.
Ans:-D) Manuscript.
3. The study of words and their meanings is known as-
A) Phonetics.
B) Syntax.
C) Linguistics.
D) Sementies.
Ans:-D) Sementies.
4. Which one of the following is not true about the status of English language across the word?
A) English as a foreign language.
B) English as a second language.
C) English as a heritage language.
D) English as a native language.
Ans:-D) English as a native language.
5. TBLT in second language teaching is-
A) Tool based language teaching.
B) Task based language teaching.
C) Task book language teaching.
D) Task based language training.
Ans:-B) Task based language teaching.
6. Language is a tool because-
A) It is used for processing ideas.
B) It is used for communication.
C) It is used for thinking.
D) It is used for conveying ideas.
Ans:-B) It is used for communication.
7. Abeera, an English teacher, describe a scene and ask the learners to draw what they have heard. This is a-
A) Mutual dictation.
B) Picture story.
C) Picture dictation.
D) Picture composition.
Ans:-C) Picture dictation.
8. Process Writing approach could be described as-
A) Bottom up approach.
B) Horizontal approach.
C) Top down approach.
D) Vertical approach.
Ans:-A) Bottom up approach.
9. A speech community refers to a community which-
A) Uses different languages.
B) Speaks different dialects.
C) Speaks the same language.
D) Connects by virtue of a link language.
Ans:-C) Speaks the same language.
10. ‘Role play’ is an activity for pronunciation-
A) Assessment.
B) Listening.
C) Writing.
D) Speaking and listening.
Ans:- D) Speaking and listening.
Primary TET English Practice Set l
আরও পড়ুন:- প্রাইমারি টেট ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট ৪
11. In order to know the correct pronunciation of English words, the learner should-
A) Know how to write the words.
B) Know the spelling, meanings and how they are pronounced.
C) Know the meanings only.
D) Know the spelling.
Ans:-B) Know the spelling, meanings and how they are pronounced.
12. What are some of the features of a good listening task-
A) Simple and easily completed in a large class.
B) Gives due and supports completion of the task.
C) In expensive to administer for a large number of students.
D) Has a variety of tasks to be chosen from by students.
Ans:-C) ln expensive to administer for a large number of students.
13. Pedagogical Grammar is-
A) Learning of rules first and then the meanings of words.
B) Learning of meanings through form.
C) Learning of grammar in context through use.
D) Learning of grammar through prose and poetry.
Ans:-C) Learning of grammar in context through use.
14. Functional grammar refers to-
A) Learning grammar by knowing the technicalities of language.
B) Learning grammar through the rules of language.
C) Learning grammar in isolation.
D) Learning grammar in a given context.
Ans:-D) Learning grammar in a given context.
15. Structural approach lays stress on-
A) Developing linguistic competence.
B) Selection and gradation of materials.
C) Improving fluency.
D) Developing accuracy.
Ans:-B) Selection and gradation of materials.
16. Students can master complex language structures without being ever of the fact they are doing so, through-
A) Regular, simple grammar practice sessions.
B) Teacher avoiding the teaching of structure all together.
C) Use of grammar games with focus on relevant structure.
D) More speaking and listening practice with regular feedback.
Ans:-C) Use of grammar games with focus on relevant structure.
Primary TET English Practice Set – 07 | Primary TET Exam 2023 English Pedagogy MCQs
আরও পড়ুন:- প্রাইমারি টেট ইংরেজি প্র্যাকটিস সেট ৩

17. When learner have diverse linguistic backgrounds, the teacher should-
A) Ascertain their learning styles.
B) From groups of accordance with their linguistic backgrounds.
C) Use multilingual approach.
D) Start the class with brainstorming sessions.
Ans:-D) Start the class with brainstorming sessions.
18. The national curriculum framework, 2005 advocates that a language learner is a-
A) Receiver of language.
B) Producer of language.
C) User of grammatical rules.
D) Constructor of knowledge/language.
Ans:-D) Constructor of knowledge/language.
19. Which one of the following recommended the “Three Language Formula”?
A) National policy on education, 1968.
B) Chattopadhyaya Commission,1985.
C) National policy on education, 1986.
D) Kothari Commission, 1966.

Ans:-D) Kothari Commission, 1966.
20. According to the observation in the NCF 2005 English is a…….. language in India.
A) Second.
B) Foreign.
C) First.
D) Global.
Ans:-D) Global.